Sawyer, lives with pLGG, and Jordan, her dad
OJEMDA (oh-JEM-dah) is the first and only FDA-approved targeted therapy for children 6 months or older living with pediatric low-grade glioma (pLGG) that returned or did not respond to treatment and who have certain changes in the BRAF gene.
With once-weekly oral dosing, OJEMDA lets your family treat pLGG conveniently at home.

“Whether it be researching new treatments or ensuring that our kids’ voices are both heard and valued, advocating for our children is a profound act of love and is one area that we can control when it comes to a pLGG diagnosis.”
—Alexandra, mom of Joseph, who lives with pLGG

How OJEMDA works
Learn about how OJEMDA works on pLGG tumors with certain changes in the BRAF gene
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How to learn more about OJEMDA
Get educational resources to support your child’s journey while taking OJEMDA
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Thank you for inspiring us
Day One would like to thank the clinical trial participants, their families, pediatric cancer advocacy foundations, and investigators who have given us feedback along this journey. We are inspired by the strength of children and families impacted by pLGG. That’s why we put kids first in everything we do and are dedicated to supporting the community from day one and every day after.